Sunday 12 June 2011

@TraceyPenguin fell asleep on the train though. And I'm sure I was snoring.
On the train to London. LGA Labour Group conference. Barely awake.
Going to a leaving do tonight. On 6.55 train to London tomorrow. #badplanning
These tweets were sent to us by a whistle blower. They show the busy schedule of a female Manchester Labour councillor. This councillor gets over £32,675 a year “expenses” for her “unpaid” public service.

All councillors get expenses, here are others Councillors expenses for comparison
Stockport     £9,554 per year
Trafford       £6,370 per year
Salford        £10,080 per year

Manchester  £ 15,840

You can see it is more profitable being a Manchester Councillor, the figures quoted are basic expenses, many more Councillors get extra expenses for chairing committee’s etc, the Councillor in question gets an extra £16635 for being Deputy leader. In total last year she claimed £32675, equal to £628 a week. No wonder she can get hammered at night and fall asleep on the train next day. £625 a week beer money is not bad for a local lass. The shame is she has to boast about it and  the ratepayers have to read it.

The following Wednesday she is tweeting all day complaining about the cuts OTHERS have to face, has her beer money been cut ?,

There are 96 Councillors in Manchester.  Do you live near a Labour Councillor ?. Have they ever had a job ?, Do they sign on and collect benefits ?
If you know a Labour Councillor and they use a pub near you, see if they are “flashing the cash”. Its your cash “they flash” Get a picture on your mobile phone and send it in to us. We are sure we can get the tabloids interested.

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